Proteus x2 software
Proteus x2 software

proteus x2 software

Thermal reliefs are supported and you can choose whether to hatch or fill each polygon.

proteus x2 software

Change the pads and tracking, and the boundaries are recomputed to maintain design rule clearances. Proteus features the ultimate in power plane support – user placeable polygonal regions within which inner boundaries are automatically created around existing pads and tracking. For large BGAs the internal signal distance can be added to the component as a CSV file and a length match report can be generated at any time. You can also adjust either an absolute or a relative tolerance for the length match according to the timing budget for your interface. In Proteus, this is all handled through a single dialogue form where the topology of the serpentine can be controlled. Depending on the signal rise time, the frequency of the signal, the requirement for via sites on the PCB and many other factors, the PCB designer may need to adjust or constrain serpentine height and width. Much of the difficulty with length matching lies in the arrangement of the extra trace, used to lengthen the shorter routes (often called the serpentine).

proteus x2 software

This includes the ability to have track segments in multiple match groups which is needed for routing topologies like the DDR3 fly-by configuration. Proteus includes support for automatic length matching of tracks via a simple “select and match” user interface. Length matching of tracks is an essential step in ensuring correct timing at the signal receiver for high speed transmissions.

Proteus x2 software